April 4, 2023
Many thanks to the following employers who were happy to share a few of their current activities:
True Key Hotels & Resorts
- Managers send reminders to new employees through their online HR system in the days leading up to the new employee’s arrival – what they need to do and how to get ready for their first day.
Delta Grand Okanagan Resort by Marriott
For their Interns & Voyagers (management trainees):
- Manager reaches out to new hires prior to their first day, to welcome them.
- HR sends out an email announcement for each new team member so that their entire team is prepared to welcome them. Each announcement contains a photo, overview of their background and new position/department and a couple of fun facts about them.
- HR Director connects with them on LinkedIn and invite them to the Delta Grand Okanagan LinkedIn page and encourage managers to connect with their new employees on Social Media.
Silver Star Mountain Resort
- Sends a newsletter to their new instructors before they start (welcome, intro/photos of the management team, key dates for their calendar, links to join closed social media groups, photos of the resort).
Still wondering what you could do? Here are a few other suggestions:
- Create a photo postcard of employees getting ready for the season (i.e. washing a tour bus, pruning vines, polishing glasses, checking equipment) with a note to say “We’re getting ready for the season and you!”
- Send a photo of a new hire’s room in staff housing with a note that says “Your room is ready” or a group photo with staff holding a sign that says “We can’t wait to meet you”.
- Send a small gift of company swag (i.e. mug or t-shirt) with a welcome note and first day instructions.
- Connect with new hires on social media.
- Invite new hires to season kick off parties or other employee-related events (even before they start).
Have a great example that you would like to add? Please let us know.
For more information on how you can engage employees before they start, check out this article: How to Engage Your Hires Before They Start.
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