Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage

Events & Awards

See Events & Awards for Health & Safety here.

Food & Beverage

New and Young Worker Resources

Find the resources for new and young workers here

Food & Beverage

Communicable Disease Prevention Plans

BC employers may begin to transition away from posting a copy of a COVID-19 safety plan at their workplace towards a broader communicable disease prevention approach.

Food & Beverage

Injury Management Resources

Find resources for injury management here.

Food & Beverage

Foundations of Workplace Safety: Frequently Asked Questions For Workers

Frequently Asked Questions For Workers.

Food & Beverage

Foundations of Workplace Safety: Frequently Asked Questions For Employers

Frequently Asked Questions For Employers.

Food & Beverage

FOODSAFE Level 1 by Distance Education

FOODSAFE is British Columbia’s food safety, handling and sanitation training. The Level 1 program equips foodservice workers with the knowledge and skills to apply proper food handling and preparation techniques and to follow appropriate safety measures to prevent food-borne illness.

Food & Beverage

Psychological Support Toolkit for Workers and Employers: COVID-19

Psychological health & wellness is increasingly being recognized as a key priority in the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only exacerbated concerns around employees’ physical wellbeing, it has also significantly impacted their psychological wellbeing.

Food & Beverage

Restaurant Resources

Find the resources for restaurants here.

Food & Beverage

Preventing Most Common Restaurant Injuries

As a restaurant operator, you cannot afford to have workers away from the job injured.