Ski Areas

Roles, Rights & Responsibilities
When it comes to health and safety, everyone in the workplace has distinct responsibilities. Whether you're an owner, employer, supervisor, prime contractor, or worker, you have a role to play in keeping the workplace safe.

Developing a Health & Safety Program
Learn more about developing an effective health and safety program here.

Ski Safety Talk: Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention
Communicate the safety tips in this safety talk to help reduce slips, trips and falls in the workplace.

Safety Talk for Ski Areas: Safely Using Snow Shovel
This safety talk describes dos and don'ts to consider when shovelling snow.

Safety Talk for Ski Areas: Clearing Snow from Roofs
Use this safety talk as the basis for discussion on how to clear snow from roofs safely.

SkiRad Fitness for Snow Sports – Video series
Be fit for snowsports and reduce the risk of injury by following these exercise videos.

Ski Area Safety Talk: Reducing Knee Injuries While Skiing and Snowboarding
Use this safety talk as a discussion aid to help reduce snowboarding and skiing-related injuries.

Ski Area Safety Talk: Snow Sports Injury Reduction – Patrol
This safety talk provides safety tips to reduce snow sport injuries.

Ski Area Poster: “Before you hit the slopes” Snow Sports Injury Reduction
This informative poster complements the Ski Area Safety Talks. Print and display in your staff areas. These simple tips will help keep your team safe and injury free when working on the slopes.

Discussion Leader Guide and Meeting Record
Use this guide and meeting record to help you plan, deliver and record the details of your team Safety Talks.