Fostering Employee Engagement During a Time of Crisis
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many tourism and hospitality employers have suddenly been faced with making tough business and financial decisions in order to comply with government legislated restrictions (e.g. physical distancing measures) as well as maintaining the viability of their business.

CWSAA Retention & Engagement Guide Templates
These templates are intended for illustrative and general information purposes only, and they do not constitute legal advice of any sort.

Averaging Agreements
Section 37 of the Employment Standards Act allows employees and employers to agree on work schedules that are irregular and that would otherwise attract overtime. As a tourism employer, you might find that averaging agreements provide a degree of flexibility and related cost savings.

A Key Driver of Employee Engagement
Career development is consistently cited by employees as critical to their satisfaction with an organization, and a key reason why they may change jobs. In fact, Hay Group data on the predictors of employee retention indicate it is the most important aspect of a company’s reward program as far as talent retention is concerned. Yet it is an area where many employers do an incredibly poor job.
The Human Rights Code Made Simple
Because the Human Rights Code (HRC) applies to most employers in BC workplaces, you should know your rights and responsibilities — as well as those of your employees.

5 Keys to Employee Retention
It is a competitive recruitment market and projected to get even tougher. Therefore, not only do businesses have to attract the right employees, they also have to concentrate on keeping the ones they have. This article will present you with 5 keys to employee retention that go beyond your pay package.

Appeal Processes
The Employment Standards Tribunal is an independent body from the Employment Standards Branch. The Branch is an investigative body, whereas the Tribunal is an adjudicative/judicial body. Employers or employees who are dissatisfied with determinations made at the Branch level may appeal to the Tribunal.
Who is Covered By the ESA
The Employment Standards Act (ESA) governs the employment relationship between most employers and employees in BC. However, there are important exceptions with which you should become familiar.

Affordable Ways to Boost Employee Happiness, Loyalty and Motivation
No matter if a large size company or a small family business, having a team of motivated, hard-working employees is crucial to your business success. When your staff loses motivation, however, their job performance suffers — they become less productive, less creative, less engaged, less of an asset to the company. The bottom line: You pay a heavy price when employees have motivation issues.

Caution: You Need To Pay Your Interns
Volunteers, practicum students and interns can serve in many capacities within an organization, greatly benefiting employers by bringing new energy and knowledge, and augmenting or extending the work of existing employees. Similarly, these individuals reap significant benefits by gaining valuable experience, skills and contacts. What is a volunteer, practicum student and intern?