
Ask Sarah Best: Recruiting in Challenging Times
In the August issue of the Northern BC Tourism Association newsletter, Regional HR Consultant Sarah Best answers a question from an employer who is struggling to recruit new staff during these challenging times. Read Sarah's tips about handling recruitment challenges by evaluating their compensation strategy.

Ask Sarah Best – July 2023 NBCTA Newsletter
Regional HR Consultant Sarah Best answers a question from an employer about how to handle workplace conflict with these tips and advice.

Do company-wide vacation policies make sense?
In this issue of the Canadian HR Reporter, Senior VP Arun Subramanian comments about the challenges of hospitality employers taking time off during the tourism season. Read the rest of the article about company-wide vacation policies and how this decision can impact employees.

Winter 2022 InnFocus
Northern BC HR Consultant Sarah Best writes an article about Recruiting Management Staff for InnFocus.

Summer 2023 The Quarterly Pour
Vancouver, Coat & Mountain HR Consultant, Cindy Conti wrote an article about Dealing with Absenteeism for the Quarterly Pour.
Soft Departure
Most people believe that a dismissed employee should leave the premises immediately. But the over-whelming majority of employees will react as professionally as the employer permits.

Best Practices for Terminating Employees
A few years ago, we worked with a client who decided to part ways with a long-standing and trusted executive. The CEO and HR executive met with him to deliver the news, but instead of telling him to leave immediately, they gave him full control over how he spent his final day.
Understanding the Differences: Leadership vs. Management
Is a good manager automatically a good leader? What is the difference between leadership and management?
Training Tips for Adult Learners
Adults learn at various rates and in different ways according to their intellectual ability, educational level, personality and cognitive learning styles.

Staff Training: Getting Them on the Path to Success
There’s no question that a solid training program can increase productivity, reduce turnover, improve customer service and enhance sales efforts. Nor can one deny that an effective training program can boost employees’ personal confidence and job satisfaction because they feel valued, appreciated and more committed to their employer.