Employment of People Under 15 Years of Age
Young employees play a major role in the tourism and hospitality industry. Sometimes a young person wants a part-time job in food service just to earn a bit of pocket money. The part-time job can lead to a lifetime attachment to the industry and start many young people on an exciting career path. However, employers who violate the rules for employing children may face penalties up to $10,000.

Compassionate Care Leave
As of May 2018, the entitlement to unpaid compassionate care leave in BC has increased from eight weeks to 27 weeks (six months).

Bereavement Leave
Section 53 provides that employees are entitled to up to three days of unpaid leave on the death of a member of the employee’s immediate family.
Who is Covered By the ESA
The Employment Standards Act (ESA) governs the employment relationship between most employers and employees in BC. However, there are important exceptions with which you should become familiar.

Affordable Ways to Boost Employee Happiness, Loyalty and Motivation
No matter if a large size company or a small family business, having a team of motivated, hard-working employees is crucial to your business success. When your staff loses motivation, however, their job performance suffers — they become less productive, less creative, less engaged, less of an asset to the company. The bottom line: You pay a heavy price when employees have motivation issues.

Caution: You Need To Pay Your Interns
Volunteers, practicum students and interns can serve in many capacities within an organization, greatly benefiting employers by bringing new energy and knowledge, and augmenting or extending the work of existing employees. Similarly, these individuals reap significant benefits by gaining valuable experience, skills and contacts. What is a volunteer, practicum student and intern?

Compensation is More Than Just a Pay Cheque
Compensation refers to all forms of pay and rewards received by employees for performance in their jobs, including all forms of cash, benefits, services and perks. It is important to recognize and communicate the total compensation to your employees. This should be done so that the value of what you are offering in compensation is clear and thus attracts and retains the people you need.

Compensation Philosophies Are Not Just For Large Companies
Compensation philosophies are not just for companies with hundreds of employees and a structured corporate environment. Instead, they are a practical addition to organizations of any size, including small to medium businesses.

Checklist: Is Your Business Boomer-Ready?
There are many benefits to engaging boomers and changing demographics have made the need to do so a reality. Fortunately for tourism and hospitality, the flexible, often leisure friendly, and social aspects of work in the industry make it attractive to this demographic. But in order to successfully attract and recruit this demographic, you will… Continue reading Checklist: Is Your Business Boomer-Ready?

Customer Comment Cards Can Make You Money
One of your customers has just had a bad experience. His eye catches the neat pile of comment cards and within moments he is enthusiastically providing you with a critique of your performance. Or, even better, your customer has just had a great experience. She reaches toward the comment card and you prepare yourself for a nice little pat on the back. Companies have long known that comment cards provide useful tools to gauge the mood of their customers and the quality of their services.