Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Investigate Incidents

If there is an incident in your workplace in which a worker is injured or could have been seriously injured (i.e., a near miss), both you and WorkSafeBC have specific responsibilities.

Health & Safety

Workplace Inspection Checklist

This customizable template is used to conduct general workplace inspections. Regulation dictates that workplace inspections need to occur “regularly” and must be documented. Inspections should be reviewed by the joint health and safety committee during meetings. Hazards identified in the inspection can be fixed by assigning tasks and setting reasonable deadlines for completion.

Health & Safety

Inspect Your Workplace

Regular safety inspections are a cornerstone of a proactive approach to health and safety. Inspections will help you identify hazards so you can take preventive action before an incident occurs.

Health & Safety

Hold Safety Meetings

Regular health and safety meetings provide an excellent opportunity to get everyone in your workplace involved in the safety process. Maintaining communication between you, your supervisors, and your workers is crucial for the success of your occupational health and safety (OHS) program.

Health & Safety

Develop Safe Work Procedures

Written safe work procedures provide your workers with instructions on how to carry out specific tasks and how to protect themselves against known hazards.

Health & Safety

Day of Mourning: Remembering Those Who Lost Their Lives to Workplace Injuries and Diseases

Read to learn more about Day of Mourning and how your organization can be involved.

Health & Safety

Canadas Safest Employers

Launched in 2011, Canada’s Safest Employers Awards recognize companies from all across Canada with outstanding accomplishments in promoting the health and safety of their workers.

Health & Safety

Safer Spaces: Passing the Baton to You

While the team is immensely proud of the time and energy they have dedicated towards Safer Spaces, they are cognizant that the real test will come when participants move through the finished product and experience for themselves the course’s relevance and impact.

Health & Safety

Safer Spaces: Ready for Launch: go2HR Opens Registration for Safer Spaces Training Course

The blog post in our “Safer Spaces” series, “A Sneak Peek at the New Safer Spaces Training Course”, shared a brief overview of an important new training tool designed for the tourism and hospitality industry – Safer Spaces, which is aimed at reducing workplace sexual harassment.

Health & Safety

Safer Spaces: Tourism and Hospitality Risk Factors

Safer Spaces is geared towards the tourism and hospitality industry, which is why one of the course modules focuses on unique industry risk factors – for example, the high percentage of new and young workers, as well as seasonal and temporary workers – employed in the industry.