Health & Safety
COR Policies and Procedures Manual
This Policies and Procedures manual sets out the established guidelines for the go2HR Certificate of Recognition (COR) program providing the go2HR standard on auditing practices, auditor responsibilities and quality assurance processes to be followed by both internal and external auditors. go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality, human resources and health & safety association driving strong… Continue reading COR Policies and Procedures Manual
BC Meetings & Events Safe Restart Plan Proposal
BC Meetings & Events Safe Restart Plan Proposal This document includes BC meetings & events industry COVID-19 safe restart guidelines and preparation for a safe start. go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality , human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class tourism and hospitality experiences in… Continue reading BC Meetings & Events Safe Restart Plan Proposal
BC CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting
BC CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Cleaning your home with household cleaning and disinfecting products can help prevent the spread of illness including COVID-19. go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality , human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class tourism and hospitality experiences in British Columbia. Follow… Continue reading BC CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting
Poster: Exemptions to the Mandatory Mask Order in British Columbia
B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner has issued a simple poster to clarify mask-wearing exemptions permitted under law. The poster is designed to be placed alongside notices or signage about a business’s mask-wearing policies.
Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace
This book, shows how employers can effectively manage the risks by identifying the hazards and implementing controls related to a variety of factors, including workplace design, flooring, cleaning procedures, and worker footwear.
Carbon Monoxide Exposure from Heaters in Outdoor Dining Spaces
Risk advisory for managing potential carbon monoxide exposure from heaters in outdoor spaces from WorkSafeBC.
Office Ergonomics Training
A practical introduction to office ergonomics, focusing on issues and injuries related to the use of computers and other office equipment. Topics include: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) Stages of MSDs MSD risks Assessing ergonomic hazards The workstation Work methods and organization The worker Exercises
Bullying in the Workplace
This fact sheet provides information related to bullying in the workplace. It lists information on how to address bullying and gives general tips for the workplace.
Bullying and Harassment Resource Tool Kit
We've developed this bullying and harassment resource tool kit to help employers and workers to understand their legal duties, and to prevent and address bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Safer Social Interactions
Social interaction and getting together with others in person and online is important to our wellbeing. This information will help you decide how you would like to spend time with people inside your social group in the safest way for you. It will also help you navigate interactions with those outside your social group when you’re… Continue reading Safer Social Interactions