Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Small Business Health and Safety Logbook

This Small Business Logbook contains easy-to-use checklists and blank forms to help you establish a basic health and safety program.

Health & Safety

Workplace Inspections

Workplace inspections are a vital part of a proactive, injury-prevention program. They provide an opportunity to identify hazards and prevent unsafe conditions from developing.

Health & Safety

Worker Representatives – Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at these frequently asked questions regarding the role of worker health and safety representatives.

Health & Safety

Joint Health and Safety Committees – Frequently Asked Questions

Joint Health and Safety Committees – Frequently Asked Questions Review these frequently asked questions regarding joint health and safety committee requirements. go2HR is BC’s tourism & hospitality, human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class tourism and hospitality experiences in BC. Follow us on LinkedIn or… Continue reading Joint Health and Safety Committees – Frequently Asked Questions

Health & Safety

Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Joint Health and Safety Committee

Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Joint Health and Safety Committee This tool is designed to help you meet the legal requirements for conducting an annual evaluation of your joint health and safety committee. go2HR is BC’s tourism & hospitality, human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world… Continue reading Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Joint Health and Safety Committee

Health & Safety

Conducting a First Aid Assessment

Refer to this resource on conducting a first aid assessment, designed to be used in conjunction with the First Aid Assessment Worksheet and assess your first aid needs.

Health & Safety

Joint Health and Safety Committee Fundamentals

Joint Health and Safety Committee Fundamentals This Joint Health and Safety Committee Fundamentals online course provides two of the required eight hours of training for new joint health and safety committee members. go2HR is BC’s tourism & hospitality, human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class… Continue reading Joint Health and Safety Committee Fundamentals

Health & Safety

COR Audit Tool Question Guide

This spreadsheet separates the COR audit tool questions into Documentation, Observation, and Interview tabs, helping you to better organize your audit time.

Health & Safety

Hospitality and Service Safety and Youth Parent Tip Card

Hospitality and Service Safety and Youth Parent Tip Card We all have a role to play in helping young people stay safe at work. Parents and supervisors can use this tip card to help have “the talk” about workplace safety and Hospitality and Service industry-specific details. go2HR is BC’s tourism & hospitality, human resources and… Continue reading Hospitality and Service Safety and Youth Parent Tip Card

Health & Safety

Young Worker Safety in Restaurants

Many young workers’ first work experience is in the restaurant industry. This resource is meant to help young workers in the restaurant industry be safe and healthy on the job.