Human Resources

Human Resources

Uniforms and Special Clothing

You want your employees to look sharp, so you provide them with attractive and safe clothing. But whose responsibility is it to clean and maintain this work clothing?

Human Resources

Hours of Work and Breaks

The tourism industry doesn’t necessarily conform to the standard 9-to-5 work day, and employers in this industry often seek flexibility in scheduling their human resources to meet demand. While the hours of work and break provisions in the Employment Standards Act (ESA) do provide for such flexibility, there are important limits that as an employer you must be familiar with.

Human Resources

Employment Standards Act Made Simple

For provincially regulated, non-unionized tourism employers, the Employment Standards Act of British Columbia (“ESA” or the “Act”) is probably the most important and frequently referenced piece of employment legislation. The purpose of this legislation is to provide the minimum standards, legal rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees.

Human Resources

How to Engage Your Hire Before They Start – BC Employer Examples

Pre-employment engagement activities seems to be a topic that is on the minds and the early planning stages for a number of tourism industry employers around the province.

Human Resources

Human Resources Industry Toolkit – go2HR

go2HR's Human Resources Industry Toolkit (HR Toolkit) provides Tourism & Hospitality Employers with access to free HR best practices and resources to help recruit, retain and manage employees.

Human Resources

Distinguish Your Company to Attract Top Talent

BC’s tourism industry is booming. Your business has been experiencing significant growth in the last two years and you have had trouble finding staff. You’re not alone. Our industry is projected to fill more than 111,350 new job openings in the next 10 years (2017 – 2027), and there is a shortage of skilled people to fill these jobs. Where and how are we going to find these people?

Human Resources

Upskill Your Employees this Winter Season

It’s hard to believe we’re at that time of year again when many tourism and hospitality businesses begin planning for their next summer season. We know that planning for staffing levels in the busy season can be challenging at the best of times and this year is no exception. As many employers must do more with fewer resources and people, this is a crucial time to look inwards to understand and provide employees with upskilling needs and opportunities.

Human Resources

Types of Training to Boost Your Competitive Edge

How does employee training benefit your company? What difference does it make? Can it really make you more competitive?

Human Resources

Training Tips for Adult Learners

Adults learn at various rates and in different ways according to their intellectual ability, educational level, personality and cognitive learning styles.

Human Resources

Staff Training: Getting Them on the Path to Success

There’s no question that a solid training program can increase productivity, reduce turnover, improve customer service and enhance sales efforts. Nor can one deny that an effective training program can boost employees’ personal confidence and job satisfaction because they feel valued, appreciated and more committed to their employer.