

Multiple Certified Auditors – Infosheet

This infosheet covers COR audits that are conducted by a team of certified internal auditors.


Mixed Student and Certified Team Auditors – Infosheet

This infosheet covers COR audits that are conducted by one or more students, as well as existing certified internal auditors, all from the same organization.


Multiple Student Auditors – Infosheet

This infosheet covers COR audits that are conducted by two or more students in the same organization.


Tips for Student Auditors – Infosheet

This infosheet describes some key things that will help ensure a successful COR audit for student auditors.


Risk Assessment (CCOHS)

This OHS fact sheet explains how to conduct risk assessments.


COR Audit Tool Question Guide

This spreadsheet separates the COR audit tool questions into Documentation, Observation, and Interview tabs, helping you to better organize your audit time.


Young Worker Awareness Program

7 things you’d better know! There are hazards in every workplace and you – the young and inexperienced worker – are especially at risk.


New Employee Health & Safety Orientation Checklist

This Health & Safety Orientation Checklist was developed by the health and safety team at go2HR as a template for implementing an adequate Health and Safety Orientation for new hires, specifically in a tourism and hospitality setting. It is customizable and adaptable to fit your unique workplace. This checklist includes topics that are legally required… Continue reading New Employee Health & Safety Orientation Checklist


Safety Talk for Helicopter & Snowcat Skiing Operators: Working Around a Helicopter

This safety talk provides do's and don'ts to help prevent accidents while working around helicopters.


Safety Talk for Helicopter & Snowcat Skiing Operators: Working Around Snowcats

This safety talk provides do's and don'ts to help prevent accidents while working around snowcats.