Safety Basics

Safety Basics

Bullying in the Workplace

This fact sheet provides information related to bullying in the workplace. It lists information on how to address bullying and gives general tips for the workplace.

Safety Basics

Bullying and Harassment Resource Tool Kit

We've developed this bullying and harassment resource tool kit to help employers and workers to understand their legal duties, and to prevent and address bullying and harassment in the workplace.

Safety Basics

COVID-19: Workplace Health and Safety Guide

COVID-19: Workplace Health and Safety Guide This workplace health and safety guide includes information on the responsibilities of employers and workers, and what workplaces should do to control risks. go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality , human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class tourism and… Continue reading COVID-19: Workplace Health and Safety Guide

Safety Basics

Safer Social Interactions

Social interaction and getting together with others in person and online is important to our wellbeing. This information will help you decide how you would like to spend time with people inside your social group in the safest way for you. It will also help you navigate interactions with those outside your social group when you’re… Continue reading Safer Social Interactions

Safety Basics

Steps for Conducting a Violence Risk Assessment

This document provides the steps to conduct a violence risk assessment.

Safety Basics

Pandemic Planning: Reopening for Business

This e-course features an improved look and functionality to enrich your learning experience. As businesses and workplaces across Canada reopen their doors for workers and customers, it’s important to understand that the coronavirus will still be circulating so new infections are possible. Returning to the workplace will not be the same as before the COVID-19… Continue reading Pandemic Planning: Reopening for Business

Safety Basics

COVID-19 Tips – Patios

Tips on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 when working on patios.

Safety Basics

WorkSafeBC Accommodation Protocols for Returning to Operation

The following protocols offer guidance for the accommodation industry, including hotels, motels, backcountry operators, lodges, RV parks, cabins, and hostels.

Safety Basics

go2HR’s Tourism and Hospitality COVID-19 Best Practice Guide

go2HR’s Tourism and Hospitality COVID-19 Best Practice Guide This COVID-19 best practices guide document outlines essential protocol that tourism and hospitality businesses should adopt as they restart or ramp up operations post the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this template as a guide to create your own document according to your business. go2HR is BC’s tourism &… Continue reading go2HR’s Tourism and Hospitality COVID-19 Best Practice Guide

Safety Basics

WorkSafeBC Inspections During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions for Employers

WorkSafeBC inspections play a key role in ensuring safe and health workplaces in BC. As many businesses return to operations during Phase 2 of B.C.’s Restart Plan, WorkSafeBC officers may call or visit unannounced to evaluate how you are protecting your workers from the virus that causes COVID-19. These Frequently Asked Questions provide insights into… Continue reading WorkSafeBC Inspections During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions for Employers