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  March 23, 2023

Vancouver Island/Coast Regional Labour Market Study (2018)

The Vancouver Island/Coast region is affected by seasonality and retention challenges, and compared to other parts of the province, they will have a higher percentage of jobs opening up due to retirements. By 2028, it is anticipated that the region will have 20,100 job openings. The food & beverage, recreation and entertainment, and transportation sectors will be the hardest hit.

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Which occupations will be the most in demand and face the most shortages? Check out the top occupations below or view WorkBC’s full regional profile to learn more.

Top Occupations in Demand

Type Occupations New Job Openings 2018-2028
Management and Supervisory Restaurant and Food Service Managers 1,300
Chefs 400
Accommodation Service Managers 600
Food Service Supervisors 300
Skilled Occupations Cooks 1,800
Bus Drivers and Other Transit Operators 600
Program Leaders/Instructors in Recreation and Sport 700
Front Line / Entry Level Food Counter Attendants and Kitchen Helpers 2,000
Food and Beverage Servers 1,300
Light Duty Cleaners 600



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